SAP Oracle Blog

SAP/Oracle/パッケージアプリ関連情報。SAP ERP(R/3)モジュール全般、Oracleプロダクト、その他パッケージアプリ等々


O'Reilly Safariビデオ - Internet of Things (IoT) Fundamentals

O'Reilly Safari - Internet of Things (IoT) Fundamentals - Jerome Henry / Rob Barton Table of Contents Introduction Module 1: What is the Internet of Things? Module 2: Building an IoT Network Lesson 3: Sensors and Actuators Lesson 4: Connec…

Internetで1分間で起こっていること (2018)

What happens in an internet minute in 2018 . This is what happens in an #internet minute in 2018 #technology— World Economic Forum (@wef) November 23, 2018