RPA Market trends
- Products that begin to converge.
- Attended bot issues that rise to the surface.
- A focus on deployment efficiency.
- A need for multitenancy for shared services and security.
- Security requirements that get clearer but more difficult.
- UiPath : UiPath 2018.1
- Automation Anywhere : Automation Anywhere Enterprise, Bot Insight, Bot Farm, Bot Store, and IQ Bot
- Blue Prism : Blue Prism
Strong Performers
- WorkFusion : WorkFusion Intelligent Automation
- Pegasystems : Pega Robotic Automation and Intelligence
- NICE : NICE Robotic Automation
- Kryon Systems : Kryon RPA
- Kofax : Kapow
- EdgeVerve : AssistEdge
- Thoughtonomy : Thoughtonomy Virtual Workforce
- Redwood Software : Redwood Robotics
- Contextor : Contextor Studio, Control, Standalone Bot, and Galaxy
- Softomotive : ProcessRobot and WinAutomation
- AntWorks : ANTstein
- Another Monday : Another Monday RPA